1629703768 Publish time 2022-1-6 02:33:06

RaspTank forward and backward moves mixed up


I have assembled a RaspTank according to the instruction, but now I faced the problem.
While controlling the robot movements it goes forward when I press the backward button and opposite, it goes backward when I press the forward button.
But the turn left and turn right buttons are working correct.
Could you tell me please, how it is possible?
And how can I fix it programmatically?

Thank you in advance!

1639451407 Publish time 2022-1-8 13:58:32

I had this problem at first too.Found the solution in the tutorial, page 91 I think.

1638982355 Publish time 2022-1-20 04:28:28

My RaspTank Pro's bottom part was pre-assembled - most likely a returned one. Anyway, the assembly was basically ok, but forward was backward and left was right - and vice versa. I switched the cabeling of the two motors, after that forward and backward was ok. Left and right was (and still is) inverted.
I'll get to that once some other issues are sorted, like camera not working...

1649663814 Publish time 2022-4-12 14:50:20

Hey I am a Programmer at Ireland Assignment Help I also faced assembling issues in RaspTank and resolve them by switching the cables of motors and after that forward and backward movement was okay if it is difficult for you then do watch tutorials on YouTube you will clearly get the idea of switching the cables.

Adeept_Devin Publish time 2022-5-5 17:18:36

You can modify lines 22-23 of adeept_rasptank/server/move.py.
Dir_forward = 0
Dir_backward = 1
Dir_forward = 1
Dir_backward = 0

Please see the Q&A in the link: https://www.adeept.com/learn/tutorial-389.html

1658907148 Publish time 2022-7-27 15:36:27

Hello! James stephens is an expert Ireland assignment helper and professional blogger. He had great expertise in writing academic content and offer help for healthcare assignments. James loves to travel and explore new places he is the best at delivering academic assistance so, if you have any difficulty regarding your assignments contact him he will surely help you.

1663664908 Publish time 2022-9-20 17:09:50

Drift Hunters game is a racing game with unllimited money.You can free to buy all the items on the shop. This game will be easy for you. Enjoy the game!

1667754109 Publish time 2022-11-11 10:29:15

I just fixed left and right swap and forward backward swap.   The left/right swap can be fixed by swapping the mounting locations(sides) of the physical dc motors.   Then if that does not fix your forward/backward problem also,go into terminal and "sudo nano move.py"   and change the forward=0 to a forward=1. And reverse=1. To a reverse=0 or vice versa...now my robot moves as it should.

1672044665 Publish time 2022-12-26 16:53:51

Swapping the cables worked for me.
Ref camera not working, I found that the flat cable which was already fitted to the camera was fitted the wrong way up!!! - once flipped over, all is working well.

1690968602 Publish time 2023-8-2 17:32:50

Simply switching which side the dc motors are mounted on will reverse the left/right problem. blob opera
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