I have a RaspTank and a Raspberry Pi 4B, the instructions do not work for the 4B and as it stands today, the GIT HUB code is actually wrong.
The only way I got it to work was to use the latest change yesterday (uses server.py not webServer.py) but also LED.py is expecting 3 parameters for R(ed), G(reen), B(lue) where all the server code calls it with the class color.
- server.py uses: colorWipe( Color(r,g,b) )
Copy the Code
rather than
- LED.py expects: colorWipe( r, g, b)
Copy the Code
I can drive around (although fowards and backwards are the wrong way around) and watch the video so at the moment I'm happy.
However, please post out the full set of code into GitHub, please also update the instructions as the current way doesn't work, at least for me.
BTW, I'm based in the UK so would have to change the wpa_ to use GB not US.
Love it, will be buying more, might have to write my own software though!!!
Please post fixes!!!