Edited by 1595294267 at 2020-7-22 01:57 AM
My servos are not moving after booting up raspberry pi.
My setup:
1. driver board installed on v4 raspberry pi. Servo connected to first position nearest to the battery connector. Battery connected to driver board. Nothing else connected.
2. all software installed as instructed in Manual-Adeept_RaspArm.pdf. I did the automatic setup installation but had servo problem so I also did the manual install except I did not do the "Add the RPi Car program to auto-start" section because I have a RaspArm not a car.
After powerup, the servo never moved. I tried other servos but they did not move either.
I tried the command: sudo python3 rasparm/server/server.py
Here's what my SSH session looked like:
root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# sudo python3 rasparm/server/server.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "rasparm/server/server.py", line 28, in <module>
sensor = mpu6050(0x68)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mpu6050/mpu6050.py", line 60, in __init__
self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, self.PWR_MGMT_1, 0x00)
OSError: [Errno 121] Remote I/O error
- The error message is always the same.
- On my first few tries, I plugged in one motor, then two, then all of them.
- I allowed 2 minutes to pass after booting up raspberry pi all while I was watching the motors.
- I tried: sudo python3 rasparm/server/server_beta.py but I got the same error no servo movement.
- I also tried normal session as 'pi' ($ prompt), and got the same results--no servo movement.
- Before plugging in the servos to the driver board, I manually turned the servos away from center to ensure that they have to seek home position when I boot raspi.
- The instructions have the user plug in the modules to the driver board after assembly. Since the error message mentions "mpu6050", I'm going to try plugging that in to the driver board to see what happens. If that works, the instructions need revision.
No servo movement observed after bootup.
Tried different methods (see Notes)
Error message is consistent.
Will try again after plugging in mpu6050.
Would you kindly provide me any new information about this issue that I should consider?