Hello adeept community, the rasptank was pretty fun for my first kit. I'm as new as it gets with rasberry pi's and python so I could use some advice.
I ran into a few obstacles along the way but all in all the build and software whent pretty well. I nvr used the rasptank image file so I'm hoping that's a non issue. Where I'm stuck is when I'm in the web based gui it can be vary laggy and often unresponsive forcing me to close the window and start over and probably the biggest problem is with the keyboard controls. The simicolon doesn't move the arm as labled it actually does nothing.
For someone knowledgeable with pi's and python it would be a relatively easy bug fix but I'm not their yet so help would be more than welcomed.
Connect the necessary hardware components to the Raspberry Pi, including motor controllers, sensors, camera (if needed), and any other peripherals. connections