Since the WS2812 LED used by the Raspberry Pi conflicts with the audio, we have blocked the audio in the setup.py program.
If you want audio try:
From the Raspberry Pi command line run:
"sudo killall python3"
"sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/snd-blacklist.conf"
"sudo nano /boot/config.txt"
Then confirm "hdmi_force_hotplug=1" in the content
then reboot
If the above method does not work, please try to re-burn the image file. Before running the setup.py program, delete lines 111-116 of the setup.py file
The removed code is as follows:
try: #fix conflict with onboard Raspberry Pi audio
os.system('sudo touch /etc/modprobe.d/snd-blacklist.conf')
with open("/etc/modprobe.d/snd-blacklist.conf",'w') as file_to_write:
file_to_write.write("blacklist snd_bcm2835")
pass |