Good Morning,
I'd thought I'd share the issues I've run into so you don't make the same mistakes. I've been playing with the Raspberry PI since it was released and I've bought 5 and own 4 (one was a gift more my nephew). I've been wanting to build a prototype robot for several years now and the Pi-car B let's me prototype the software. Building the Picar-b was a lot of fun and the directions in the PDF were amazing. The software... not so much.
Anyway here are the issues I ran into:
1) On the Raspberry Pi:
a) I tend to alway su to the root userid on the raspberry pi and in this case it was a mistake. Install from the PI userid.
b) I originally was testing with a hardwired connection ie. a ethernet cable plugged into the raspberry pi. This was a mistake. Set up a wireless connection from the get to.
c) I originally was testing with a hardwired power connection to the raspberry pi. This was a mistake. This kind of connection will not power the motors. Use the LI batteries from the get go.
2) On the PC client:
a) I never did find a client.py script after following the instructions. I ended up getting one from github. If you can't find one after following the instructions go to github to get it.
b) The Client.sh script would breifly connect to Pi-car but that was it. I know it connected because the LED "headlights" would change from blue to green, but then the script would time out after 5 tries. After debugging the script I discovered it was looking for a ip.txt file that was no where to be found. I realized it was just looking for the file to exist and didn't care what was in it. I created a ip.txt file with the ip address of my Pi-car and then it connected fine and I could finally see through the camera.
3) On the Pixar-b itself
A) None of the servos were working. Install the servo plugs VERTICALLY NOT horizontally!
Picar-B is now running. Now I get to dive in and customize!!!!!
Good Luck.