Hello all! Ive been messing around with this 4 wheel robot the past couple of days spent hours and hours digging through the tutorial and the code, but i couldnt get the camera running but the led on the picam would light up with no feed. BUT this morning i went back to checkout the tutorial link page (https://www.adeept.com/learn/detail-35.html) and noticed that there is now an image file for this very robot!. So i downloaded it, flashed it with balena etcher, did the usual first time startup procedures till it got to the point for finding wifi to update. Thats when I noticed that it has already set up the access point with the create_ap part of the tutorial but it doesnt list the password any where and I dont know how to either retrieve the password, or change it. If any one has some insight on how to get some access to it im all ears!
thanks for your time and consideration into reading my plea for help, hopefully a solution comes through and can help another person in need!