Edited by 1568818163 at 2019-10-3 07:42 PM
I am trying got get my smart car working, but I can`t find any solution, although it seems to be a popular problem.
After turning on the car the lights are going on, and the wheels are pointing left. The remote goes on, but none of the LED's are on or blinking.
I tried already:
- compiling the sketches (Arduino Uno for the car and Arduino Nano for the remote) without beeing attached
- checking the contacts with a multimeter
- checking the whole connections multiple times
Prosperties for uploading the sketch:
Arduino Uno --> Board: Arduino/Genuino Uno, Port: COM5 (Arduino/Genuino Uno)
Arduino Nano --> Board: Arduino Nano, Prozessor: ATmega328P (Old Bootloader) Port: COM4
Is there any other idea? I would apreciate any help.
Update I (2019-09-20): I reduced the problem to lack of communication (https://www.adeept.com/blog/tuto ... tion-will-fail.html)
Update II (2019-09-20): I uploaded the code I used as an attachment.
Update III (2019-09-22): I tried the latest version as suggested (https://www.adeept.com/learn/detail-4.html)
Update IV (2019-10-03): It worked after I tried new NRF2401 modules (https://www.amazon.es/dp/B06XJN4 ... 1_185740151_TE_item)
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