Hi, I’m checkingthe code on my Darkpaw Spider Robot and I don't understand a lot of differentfiles.
After the setupand the boot of my raspberry pi, the first file launched is “webServer.py” In thisfile, there is import of “move” and “SpiderG” (or the linked files) but in the “webServer.py”I don’t find the use of “move.py” Is the “move.py”really usefull in the “play mode” of Darkpaw ? Also, what‘s the difference between “move.py”, “RPIservo.py”, “servo.py” and “SpiderG.py”?
Overall, Idon’t understand the organization between all the files (files for tests andlessons between the files for play mode).
It’s samefor the robotLight.py and LED.py I would like change the color and decrease thebritghtness.
Excuse meI’m French and I’m newbie in programming with python and with robotic.
Thanks foryour help
Have a goodday